As a topnotch ARTIST no let satan give you any picture wey no go keep you AT EASE
GREEN SNAKES GRIN to hide fact that SIN ACHES; No take ACTION for ACT wey you suppose SHUN
Devil no fit give you one ADVICE or the OTHER make he no ADD VICE on the ORDER
Na you go let am know sey "no be GADUS be this"; sey you be vessel wey GOD DEY USE
#gospel_poetry_spoken_word_lyrics #gospel_spoken_word_poetry #life_related_reality #poetic_gospel #gospel_poems #great_gospel_verses #poetry_in_literature
GREEN SNAKES GRIN - semordnilap,poetry,gospel poems,Temptation,wordplay,
if DeviL help RaT TaR road, then it's PArT of the TrAP that sPiNs and then sNiPs
right on SpoT like bottle TopS - no let devil put mouth, coz Na wetin devil PiN e fit NiP
The LiAR RAil all they want with LeeR Reel; but the real LiON king renders them NOiL
Make all the RAtS for this worLd sha just dey, as I standout on the word everyday a StAR
Simply to aid you mess up and piss for body; pissing God off rather than pissing off sin
Devil sells UNDERCOVER DiApER on CREDIT Price; debt OPENly COVERED & REpAiD - CREDIT to Christ
And Just because Christ reveRsed the EViL; we now enjoy this God-revIsed LiVE
To have reversed effects of all the sins PeeD; Christ's love is that DeeP
Your ability to ReVeL the LeVeR of works over grace is one devil's main TooL to LooT
So YAp! The accuser ReViLeD us, but Christ did pAY to DeLiVeR us
He's THE VINE that took our place in the FireS and from him we sprout like divine SeriF
Christ's the one who blocked the SPaM of the DeViL; and is the only way beyond MaPS who LiVeD
Despite my imperfect WArTs no BuRRY, his love was perfect to break the STrAw like BeRRY
Devil comes SLeeK for the KiLLS, na who SLeeP with devil dey turn banana PeeLS
First comes the TiPS followed by SPiT; don't accept his TiP if not ready for the PiT
#gospel_poetry_spoken_word_lyrics #gospel_spoken_word_poetry #life_related_reality #poetic_gospel #gospel_poems #great_gospel_verses #poetry_in_literature