

YOU plus ME sounds YUMMY

The geography of our chemistry is summed up in the biology of your physique and ANATOMY
Math is jealous that only your number exists in my book of numbers that's AN ART TO ME
Your legs nicer than any isosceles TRIANGLE KNOWN; more room to TRY-ANGLES UNKNOWN
As the only 360 degree hottie in my CIRCLE, if I went binary, you will still be the 1 for me
#love_poem_for_her #love_poem_for_my_girlfriend #love_poem_for_lover #love_poetry_for_crush #marriage_poems_short #marriage_poems_for_couple #poetry_in_literature

marriage proposal ideas

YOU plus ME sounds YUMMY - love poems,math pun,best puns,poetry,
I studied love for you inside ABBA COURSE; so You can count on me like ABACUS; 
A well-defined function of math plus athlete; fine body like a mathlete - shaprapra than machete
I wana lie tangent to your nice sets of parabola like a derivative of curves and hyperbola
Algebra shows me that U and I can cross-multiply like 69 coz YOU and ME sounds YUMMY
You looking THIS ATTRACTING is so DISTRACTING; even without gravity, I'll still fall for you
I don't need twitter to follow you nor TIKTOK for my THICK TALK to you; I just need you
I expect you to SaY YaS - YeS SeY you DEY GREE that I love you to the highest DEGREE
You're Logical, elegant - absolutely beautiful; My love for you is like π - irrational, but never ends
Your curves dey para - parabola, even embarrass hyperbola; God's show off without HATE VIGOUR
My natural log's exponential growth is concrete evidence that your curves worth EIGHT FIGURES
To lay tangent to your curves, I'll love to study them for the rest of my life till I FIGURE IT
I only see you from a 90 degree angle, no wonder, for me, you always look RIGHT
The circumference of my unending love thoughts is all about you like you're centre of a circle
You face life SQUAREly from all the RIGHT ANGLES; doting Is, crossing Ts - no ANGLES LEFT
Fortune ATE - FOUR plus FOUR meals equals ATE; fortunATE -  you plus me equals FATE
I want you to focus on the first three words; No PEN nor PAPER but you still DRAW my attention
Don't mistake me for 14 coz I'm the 1 4 U; you're a 3 coz you need 2 realize I am the 1 made 4 u
Maths problem remains unsolved for talking about X not knowing Y; instead of talking about U and I
I believe even God's been watching from a heavenly YOTUBE wanting YOU-TU-BE mine
#love_poem_for_her #love_poem_for_my_girlfriend #love_poem_for_lover #love_poetry_for_crush #marriage_poems_short #marriage_poems_for_couple #poetry_in_literature

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