


Driven by God not A MERE CAR coz we got ABBA as A MAKER
Been made a record BREAKER by Jehovah the WAY MAKER
E don clear the spider web, life no fit dey form PETER PARKER 
You No fit dey back like BACK MAN; na front you dey like an ATTACKER
God's hand reaching out for man's hand
Your God of MERCY dey your BACK; e no fit leave your BARCA
God no dey work for NEPA; your path shines bright- not getting DARKER
You go enjoy MORE divine ride; na you be OVERTAKER
Dem no fit kpai-kpai your joy; even if Dem be UNDERTAKER 
Jah don sign your Blanc cheque and e use permanent MAKA
Your progress secure and e sure; e no show for badbelle TRACKER
Even if BALAAK go call BALAAM; their WAKA only gets WACKER 
God blessings on you go loud; this one go pass loud SPEAKER
As Dem no wan rest on top your matter; na Israelites Journey Dem go WAKA
Holy ghost sealed and secure; devil no fit form HACKER
As Baba no dey use you play, e no dey wine you like JOKER
Jireh na your SUPPLIER; only better things full your LOCKER

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