You leave wife follow olosho; money dey to BUY BITCH
Based on your BAR don plenty; full ground like BAR BEACH
Till DELILAH Cut your hair; the kind BARB wey dey ITCH
Pulling the strings to JILT HER but na she use you do GUITAR
Bought your wife's SOFT legs the kind of shoes so HARD to WEAR
If your WORDS were her CLOTHES, 'twill be VIOLENCE EVERY WEAR
Indeed you Created her a WORLD of VIOLENCE EVERYWHERE
This love has been SNITCHED; wounded yet UNSTITCHED
She was your DJ SWITCH with MELODY wey dey TURN ON
Until you SWITCH come dey MELO THE love make e TURN OFF
Now, where you TWO dey; That's where PROTEST dey TURN UP
Once upon CHASING her like a CHEETAH; story of a CHEATER