



["My grandfather told me that there are two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there is much less competition there" - Indira Ghandi] As if to confirm the old man's observation, studies have revealed that in today's market place, only a few actually do their work with integrity and the fear of God; the remaining majority engage in ungodly and dishonest practices in order to get the credit which comes in form of fat pay, praises and promotion.



If we will utilize the principles found in God's Word in our business decisions, they will form a solid and reliable frame work for a successful enterprise"


1. DO FOR OTHERS WHAT YOU WILL LIKE THEM TO DO FOR YOU [Math 7: 12] . This applies to everyone; customers, suppliers, managers, fellow employees etc. Always put yourself in the other person's shoes and act accordingly


2. 'GIVE FULL MEASURES' to customers and employees [luke 6: 38]. Don't get involved in dishonesty or cheating.


3. DO NOT JUDGE ACCORDING TO APPEARANCE, but judge with righteous judgement [John 7: 24]. Instead of jumping to conclusions, develop the habit of drawing out the facts and asking questions before you make decisions or take actions. E.g. If an employee complains about the work of a colleague, "the first to plead his case seems just until another comes and examines him" [prov 18: 17]. Same principle goes with customers' complaints and comments. The best business decisions are made in the full light of truth.


4. ESTABLISH HIGH STANDARDS OF QUALITY AND FOCUS YOUR ENERGY ON CONSISTENT PERFORMANCE. The outcome of your efforts will be the basis on which your work is evaluated [Eccl 11: 3]. Work with diligence so that at the end of the day, you can look at what you've done and echo God's assessment of His own creation: "it was very good" [Gen 1: 31]. If you're not proud of each product, don't ship it [Eccl 9: 10]


Integrating your faith with your job, and implementing godly principles in your business, will improve your results and make you a beacon in the marketplace.

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