

HUNGER FOR SEX - sex within marriage versus feeling loved (12)

Susan is angry at the fact that it has been a long while since David spoke the three words she often desires to hear,''I love you'' to her. The last time he did, was during their honeymoon. She always desires that David would take her out one day on a date just as he had always done when dating her; her fantasy is yet to become a reality. To her, this same David that used to go out of his way to please her has totally changed. Back in the days, the David she knew was always eager to take her out. She remembered as they both held hands and moved around when they visited a tourist centre, how he held her waist as she leaned on him when they once went to the cinema, how he kissed her on the cheek in public at an eatery. ''But these days, no more public display of affection. All he wants is sex'', she thought, ''he doesn't even kiss me except when it's time for sex''
angry lady and not happy guy
HUNGER FOR SEX - sex within marriage versus feeling loved (12)

Definitely, Susan isn't alone; she has a husband, but it didn't stop her from being lonely. Sometimes when not with David, she's happy when chatting with friends on social apps and media. Text messages sometimes bring a happy smile to her face. Oh! How she secretly wishes her husband to be that friend that sends the text messages, the friend she chats with on whatsapp, the friend that calls her from his place of work just to check up on her. To her, the romantic, caring, loving and affectionate David was gone; all she has left is a David who is only interested in sex. In fact since she gave birth to their only daughter called Rose, her name to Dave became 'Mama Rose'.''What the hell happened with names like sweetheart and honey-pie'', she thought. She flashes back to the good old days of dating when they both used to laugh, joke, smile, dance, have fun; her marriage to her seemed different; devoid of enjoyment of the past good times; a taste-less marriage. The more she thinks of her marriage, the more resentful she becomes. She even stopped being sensitive and appreciative to David's little kind gestures; taking him for granted; no apologies, no showing gratitude. ''Why thank my spouse for doing what a spouse is expected to do?'' was her thought. She had even long stopped buying him gifts.
David knows that the fact that it's been a while since they prayed together is a sign that they're drifting farther apart; faded spiritual connection. ''Who can actually put up with such a resentful wife'', is the thought he consoles himself with. He wonders why Susan is always no more enthusiastic about sharing her plans, goals and dreams with him unlike before. The Susan who always made efforts to impress David's parents now cares little for his parents.
Susan no longer sees the need to look good for him, ''she dresses poorly to bed'', he sighs, ''What the hell happened to those days when she always got her hair done, clothed in her best fashion, smelt good and looked amazing.'' As he keeps thinking, he remembers the three ladies that desire to have him at his place of work. Asides sex, he got from them what Susan refused to give; the attention and respect he felt he deserved. Out of the three ladies, Lydia is the one he likes most; he spends the bulk time at of work fantasizing about Lydia. Lydia's lustful gaze at him always turns him on; he wishes Susan desired him as much as Lydia did. He makes up his mind on going on a date with Lydia the next day which is Saturday.
As he lets the cat out of the bag, Lydia gives him a hot hug which burns desire down his spine as she cups his back with her soft hands. Her slender neck slides with his and he enjoys the fragrance of her short brown hair while her smooth chin warms the back of his right shoulder. As she raises her knee and brushes his left side with her thick thigh, the amazing feel that swept through him made him involuntarily clutch her tiny waist tighter and closer. He pulls away to quickly dot the Is and cross the Ts of their conversation before zooming off to avoid making the effect of the Six seconds hug obvious and getting embarrassed; an erection. As he drives home, he couldn't get those curvy hips of Lydia's out of his mind; it was as if he was still gazing at her short blue pencil skirt. Oh, gosh! Blue is even his favourite colour.

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