

HUNGER FOR SEX - epilogue (20) - kleezypen.com

["Nearly all of us long for relationships. We’re drawn toward others for completion. Most of us long to connect with another person and to share experiences that bond us mind, body and soul. The reason we have this universal longing is because God designed us this way." ~ Mindy Meier]. By design, we are pleasure givers and pleasure receivers. A husband and wife are partners in pleasure, which includes sex amidst other things. Some parts of our body have no function other than sexual pleasure. For instance, God could have given us the same feeling in our erogenous zones(genitals) as we have in our fingers. Instead, he gave us thousands more nerve endings in these special areas that are especially sensitive to touch and can generate great pleasure. Biologically speaking, if our genitals were created only for relieving ourselves and procreation there would be no need for these extra nerve endings. If God only intended sex for procreation, there would be no need for the human orgasm. Yet he built the human body with all these wonderful characteristics. We experience exhilarating pleasure as we fully share our body with another.
disturbed man and woman sitting on bed
HUNGER FOR SEX - epilogue (20) - kleezypen.com

["The sexual experience provides an outlet to pour out pent-up emotions. In the union between a husband and wife, when they reach orgasms (either at the same time or different times) tension that has been building finds satisfaction." ~ Mindy Meier]. 
Sex is one of God’s most wonderful gifts to human beings. He created us with sexual desires and imprinted on our bodies and souls. Some people perhaps due to some unfortunate circumstance may not have these desires but most, deep down inside, want to someday have a loving and deeply connected marriage and the longing for consummation.
Sex pulls us out of our self-absorption to unite us with another human being; from self-absorbed to being other-centered. Sexual intercourse is a wordless way of saying, “I love you; I’m giving myself to you.” It’s a deeper-than-words message, a beyond-words way to communicate with another. To have sexual intercourse is to share a secret, and the secret bonds the partners together. ["It is during sex that we, as natural beings, are most able to transcend space and time, to fully experience our physical bodies, and to identify with the distinctly nonmaterial part of ourselves. Our sexual relationships are an attempt to move beyond the boundaries of the ego. They take us to a place where we can break through our isolation and fall into the realm of unity. While connecting on this level, we are able to merge with another so that we are no longer two separate beings, but one entity." ~ Lisa Oz] [The act of sexual intercourse is intended by God to act as superglue in the relationship, bonding two people together. We become attached to someone when we experience physical touch and pleasure in a loving way. Sex is so much more than the joining of body parts. Sex unites souls. ~ Mindy Meier]
["Because of the great power of sex—to be either a source of unspeakable joy and ecstasy or a source of deep pain and sorrow—God has laid out some restrictions for us. These rules are not imposed to spoil our fun and pleasure but rather to protect something of great value. God wants the best for us. He designed us and knows how we are wired. He wants to protect us from emotional pain and sexually transmitted diseases. ~ Mindy Meier"]. The sexual drive is a very powerful one. It is so strong that it can alter a person's thinking and emotions but God wants you to reserve the sexual union for the proper context of marriage so that you might properly honor God and your spouse.[Heb 13: 4; 1 cor 6: 16; Gen 2: 24; Mark 10: 8]
We’re in a kind of sexual wilderness, lacking right directions and guidelines. Few understand the purpose of sex. God’s reasons for creating sex include the purpose of reproduction. But His specific intent is that it should occur within the divine institution of marriage. Sex serves several of life's basic purposes: from pleasure, stress reduction, and formation of our identity to our intimate connection and (of course) procreation. God has given sex to us as a means of glorifying Him as we fulfill its design for procreation [Gen 1: 28], intimacy, [Song 1: 13; 2: 3, 6; 4: 5], comfort/companionship [Song 3: 1], and physical pleasure [Song 1: 2]. It is a fulfillment of God's created order in marriage between a husband and wife.
["Anything is permitted in the bedroom provided it is by mutual consent, does not violate scripture, and is between a husband and wife. Therefore, fornication/immorality [1 thes 4: 3; 1 corin 6: 18; Eph 5: 3], bestiality [Lev 18: 23; Deut 27: 21], adultery [Exo 20: 14], pornography [Math 5: 27, 28], voyeurism [Math 5: 27, 28], sodomy [Lev 18: 22; Rom 1: 26 - 28], incest [Lev 18: 6], etc., are not permissible. What about different sexual positions? Of course, all of this is intended for the married couple: husband and wife; as long as it is by mutual consent, does not violate scripture.
Pornography deals with photography and/or illicit paintings and/or cartoons that are designed to arouse sexual passions in the viewer. The difference between art and pornography is the difference between beauty and lust. In art the nakedness is intended to be a display of beauty and wonder. Pornography does no such thing. Its intent is to entice a person by arousing the person's lust. But then, someone may say that they view pornography as an art form and that it is beautiful. But this is nothing more than an attempt to justify sin.

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