

WHAT KIND OF BOTTLE ARE YOU? - an empty one or one content with its content

Imagine looking at a group of bottles from afar; all you see are bottles. On getting closer, you discover each bottle has a label and that label gives you an idea of the kind of content to find in the bottle. Now, imagine holding a bottle of pepsi; it has a content within, as well as a label without. On the bottle, the label "PEPSI" is certainly obvious which is supposed to be a reflection of the content within. If on tasting its content, you discover it tastes Fanta, then it's obvious something is wrong somewhere. Now, let's assume we all are bottles; the label represents our "ATTITUDE" while the liquid content represents our "character and distinguishing feature, values and temperament, likes and dislikes, goals and visions". The label is always the first point of attraction but the interaction and point of interest is often eventually with the content. If I say I love Pepsi, it will certainly not be because of the label (attitude), but the content (character and distinguishing feature etc.) In the same light, If what I seek is Pepsi and I see a bottle labelled Fanta, I will take that bottle as a no go area. Even if I'm persuaded to overlook the label 'cos it contains the Pepsi that I actually seek, the Normal average response is to forgo that advice and seek a Pepsi bottle with the right label. So the first point of this analysis is this; don't just work on your character and leave out your attitude. Your attitude often makes the first impression of you on others. So also, you have to live out your character in your attitude. Don't work on attitude and leave out character. Although attitude has a powerful impact at first sight, the weight of this impact decreases as time passes and as we get to know the person's character and values. Rather than fake, be real; let there always be a connection between attitude and character.



As a plastic bottle, all you have to offer is the content inside of you. If you get to someone's hand empty, then you are undefined without any value; either he puts a content that befits him which may not necessarily suite the make of the bottle, or he throws away the bottle. Meaning, if the bottle isn't thrown away as useless, then, it will just be used/manipulated to serve the means of the user. The case is different if the bottle has a content; this time, rather than being manipulated, 'twill be about what the bottle has to offer. So basically, you as a bottle attract people whose needs/wants are harmonised with your values. 


Values are the accepted principles or standards of a person. They represent your philosophy of life and form the basis of your stand on diverse life issues. It's with these values that you attract or repel people. Saying you love someone isn't just about the label (attitude, charisma, swag, brand etc.) on them as a bottle; it rather means you are saying that your values are in harmony with theirs. So, you can imagine what it means when a guy without defined values tells a girl he loves her. Falling in love is different from loving someone. Love happens after falling in love. Falling in love is all about the fantasies you paint about a person which is not necessarily true but sweeps you off the floor. It's about the label (attitude/unique feature) which catches your fancy i.e. appeals to your love language. Walking in love is about still loving them even after discovering that they struggle and have flaws; still willing to go for that "labelled" bottled drink again and again if you had the chance to repeat the process of choosing after tasting; yes! After having an interaction/relationship with the content in the bottle. That's the difference between love at first sight and love at every sight.


Many relationships last only for that infatuation stage I.e. the stage between being drawn to the label of the bottle and that of interaction with its content. Love is rare; If we truly knew what love meant, we wouldn't be too quick to say we love someone. A man is not designed to be intimate with a lady and not desire her bed in return, so a man of focus never stumbles into love but loves at the right time and in the right way. Get a life before you seek a relationship. Discover your values and temperament, likes and dislikes, goals and visions etc. And test their compatibility with those of the person you are falling in love with so as to ensure that your "falling in love" doesn't eventually turn out to mean "failing in love". Before you proceed in the euphoria of love, you must be ready to commit to a lifelong union.


We all have natural erotic feelings that link to emotional intimacy which in the long run ends in physical intimacy. INTIMACY is the feeling or atmosphere of closeness and openness towards someone else, not necessarily involving sexuality. It's a journey where what's hidden or locked is gradually revealed. EMOTIONAL INTIMACY takes place when two people exchange thoughts of mutual connection, share ideas of erotic feelings, and enjoy similarities and differences between their opinions while PHYSICAL INTIMACY takes place when you unveil your body in kissing, cuddling, romance or sex. Just as thirst for a cold drink (water, Pepsi, Fanta etc.) gets intensified in the presence of sunshine, the thirst for emotional intimacy gets intensified in the presence of the opposite sex you are erotically attracted to. A very thirsty man puts aside his priorities for diverse drinks while tempted by a very chilled drink as long as its content is drinkable to him not to talk of when the chilled drink is already in his possession i.e. already in a relationship. Just as any chilled drink can quench thirst, every normal person with emotions can easily engage in physical intimacy. If you aren't ready for harvest, why plant the seed? Why go where your legs can't carry the weight of your heart? If you're still on a dry fast (abstinence) and not thinking of breaking soon, why purchase that chilled drink you always fancied (i.e. why stumble into a relationship). It's advisable not to start a relationship you can't execute/conclude within a short period.


Once sex is all the fluid you can offer, you'd totally become an empty bottle in the hands of who seemed to be so attracted to you. So, it's necessary you work on your values so that you aren't just labelled/tagged as just any chilled drink that quenches the thirst of sex. Whether chilled or hot, sweet or bitter, any medicinal drink always has a value harmonised to the needs/wants of who drinks it.


No container is immune to puncture. Once there's a puncture as a result of things like neglect, rape, incest, heartbreak, betrayal etc., all the content of the bottle leaks out. And when the real you (i.e. your content) is gone, you start living in the shadow of a vacuum called negativity which is full of negativities such as anger,  insecurity, distrust, self-esteem, pride and emotional imbalance. No matter how much love you try to fill a broken bottle with, it will always leak off. It's appetite is never satisfied; ever seeking, ever controlling, ever manipulating, ever empty. As long as that leakage persists, you'd keep living in the shadow of the past. So unwhole and broken emotionally that, you start seeking a life to complete yours rather than seeking to complement another person. Treat your brokenness before you seek a relationship; what you are while single is amplified when you marry. How can a rabbit with a broken leg who challenges the tortoise to a race be sure of victory? The first step in solving a challenge is the identification of that challenge itself. So, what kind of bottle are you? An empty one or one that is content with its content?

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