

I WISH - I wish I could wander off just to wonder on and taste the Fanta’s sea in sweet fantasy,

I wish the problems piled in heaps won’t uncover her hips,
That she pays not with tits to free her circumstance veiled teeth,
I wish he corrects his flaws despite Life’s errors;
Not relegated to the floor for uncontrolled Eros
I wish Life corrects the buts without using her butts,
That she needs not woo man before seen as woman,
Wish He sees the Miss He takes not as a mistake;
Happily married ever after and not amidst ache
This knee’s word begs for Disney’s world,
Where South doesn’t go nuts nor the Beast go worst,
Where beauty and the beast can live in harmony,
Where the Earth’s treasure chest equally shares her money
Oh! How I wish, Love’s grid may counter greed,
That the truth may take root in love’s divine route,
I wish the world were full of those with sound wishes;
I’d long for more sand of time like sandwiches
I wish this unity will outdo disunity,
I wish love would heal us; that hate may not kill us,
That the hatred that sees us will never cease us;
That love will help us not to be torn by hate’s scissors
Events shown through inventions; some bygones by guns;
I wish this machine won’t end up breaking my chin,
The human race is in a race; easier done in this car;
I wish this car doesn’t accidentally cause this scar
I wish the law rules in a way that none breaks rules,
I wish money stops causing pains and mourning,
I wish every curse turns blessed showers of rain,
I wish our life course is into Love’s reign
I wish I could wander off just to wonder on
And taste the Fanta’s sea in sweet fantasy,
I wish a wish for you; that your wishes come true;
Wish my wishes come true; that yours may come through.
Photo credits: POETS The Original

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