Peace like still waters is what still matters;
It stills the troubling matters that try to steal your calm,
Sways you out of harm’s way in a rhythm that weighs
As the wind breezes in, the horizon hurries on,
The atmosphere’s been taught to always refresh nature;
My heart’s most fair thoughts are refreshed by its nurture,
Nature with no poor pose; such nurture with purpose
What a scene of harmony where nature is this united,
Unlike the human race that spends her money disunited;
So when no one got your back, make sure you got your back;
Forward match, no turning back; even trees got their bark
Branches dance in threes as ripple sounds thrill the trees;
The leaves wave in response to the waves of the ocean,
Though the wild were ever green, there’ll still be streams to ford;
All the same my grin is wide; a smile all can afford,
Though nature grids in love, man is in love with greed;
Man may stab you in the back; Stand strong and don’t fall back
Trees with roots don’t fear the storm; all they do is shake and dance;
Stormy clouds poor down rain; storms you face can make you reign.
Photo credits: Hifsa Ashraf (Bubbly)