What is LOVE? It's silence when your words would hurt and patience when
your neighbours curt, deafness when the scandal flows and thoughtfulness
for another's woes, promptness when a stern duty calls and courage when
misfortune falls; slow to suspect but quick to trust, slow to condemn
but quick to justify, slow to offend but quick to defend, slow to expose
but quick to shield, slow to reprimand but quick to forbear, slow to
demand but quick to give, slow to provoke but quick to pacify, slow to hinder but quick to help, slow to resent but quick to forgive. [1 corin 13: 4, 5]
Being loved is the second best thing in the world while loving someone
is the best. When you love, you do yourself a favour; for you open
floodgates of love from others to you. Hatred or a feeling of revenge
does more harm to the hater than the hated. This is because the hater
bears alone the tearing within, of a deep-seated, untreated wound
everywhere he/she goes.
Life is short. The brevity of time
leaves no room for man to harbour hatred or bad blood for past hurts;
past is past. Let go and let God have his way. You have just a single
life, and it's held by a string of love, strengthened or weakened by
you, and you alone. A healthy life is founded on good deeds, floodlight
of love and flushes of forgiveness, so that the heart remains free from
hatred and the blood free from bitterness.
God is love and
love is life. God has made love cheap yet many can't afford it; just a
little smile, a little deed of kindness, a little patience and tolerance
with one another, a little tuning of the mind off others' misdeeds.
Yet, for no just cause, man chooses to do otherwise, which makes life
remain worthless. To choose God is to choose love. To choose love is to
choose life. Then, love is the greatest of all [1 corin 13: 13]. We are
enjoined to love our neighbour but, we don't have to agree to any of
his/her errors or ungodly ideas, because love rejoices only in the truth
[ 1 corin 13: 6]