

THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD - The delight of his sight

It's nice and better
To do the fundamental;
It's better now than later
To surrender to our potter

In the power of his might
He has given us the right
To be the light;
The delight of his sight

He died on the cross
Just to make us rejoice;
Now, you got to make your choice
To respond to his voice

Your decision shouldn't drag;
Throw off the burden bag
And your self righteous rag;
Grace won't make you lag

Christ is the door to God's kingdom;
His voice is saying come,
He has prepared an amazing welcome
To shield you from the storm

All we need do is believe
In what Christ has achieved;
That's the basic way to receive
The righteousness God gives

And you'll become a new creature
Having righteousness as culture;
Believer living by scriptures
And built on divine structure

The righteousness of God
In the newness of His word;
'cos the fullness of the Lord
Has shed his love abroad.

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