

THANK YOU, I AM THAT I AM - my birthday has seen no death day

Jehovah my father  has taken me farther
Than how Godfathers can 'cos he's God the father;
Creative Abba father; doesn't do Aba made,
My deliverer and lover that keeps me a believer

Despite the night's fight, no mourning in the morning,
All I wake up to see is God's divine mercy,
Christ is the pastor that restores my lost pasture,
The tears I shed and fears I dread all gone and dead

Satan tried  and lied to make me slide from God's side;
Tied to God despite the tide, I relied on him to abide,
Get the behind me, Satan! You're meant for the backside;
Grace shines the light on my path; ain't meant for the backslide

Most powerful and merciful, your blessings make me cheerful,
I'm grateful you've been faithful; shielding me from the dreadful,
What can I do to show I'm grateful to you;
Omega! What can I offer for bringing me thus far

Here I am just to thank you; thank you I am that I am
Thanking you for a long life of peace free of strife,
Months and weeks gone by but life never told me bye,
Many died before today but my birthday has seen no death day.

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