

HUNGER FOR SEX - a blessing or curse; part six (06) - kleezypen

A wild passionate pursuit of the heart of man,
Infatuation crushes emotions when in crush without clutches,
Mind blowing gratifying pleasure in a realm of ''fly high'',
Natural to be turned on; you can put out the frisky fire

mouth swallowing love
HUNGER FOR SEX - a blessing or curse; part six (06)

Wild passionate pursuit of the heart for intimacy;
Synthesis of fantasies in spheres of untaught thoughts;
The sire of desire in altitudes of attitudes;
Sexual behaviours; unique, how you behave yours

Sexual desires aids maintenance as well as the formation
Of intimate relationships; emotions in fusion;
Between the opposite sex; love in difussion,
Like divinity and humanity; the church and Christ's passion

Talking about gender, you are to master your sex,
Chastity the agenda; don't be a slave to sex,
Knowing the Y of your drive urges you to solve for X,
A morale to be moral; immorality's now an Ex

Unsatisfied sexual desires partner with infidelity,
Though castration for eneuchs is tagged their immunity
To an inborn desire for sexual activity;
Activity meant for marriage through God's creativity.

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