

MIRROR OF TRUTH - the church and Christ series at kleezypen

When the devil slips in is while men are sleeping;
As satan renders operations, men surrender to oppression,
But imagine the image in totally mergine
's'pirit to 'S'pirit; my gymn with His gene

 bride of Christ
MIRROR OF TRUTH - the church and Christ series at kleezypen

Souls are flushed in a rush engulfed by toilets of life
As they speed without brakes in schools of slavery without breaks,
Though Kakhi no be leather different genes fuse without jinx;
A marriage with carriage, no marred age of car rage

Pushing to push in this zeal not to end dizzy;
The one called donde now turned the don,
This man is first in this manifest of righteousness;
Now, I don't need a ''wooli'' to know I'm holy

I don't apply 'klin' in order to be clean,
My clean nature isn't because of maclean's nurture,
My mouth isn't closed up; not 'cos I use close up,
Oral B has no effect on who I am or I'll be

Love of money tours enabling monitors
From deter-agents that bleach like detergents;
Love of the world differs from love for the word
Make the world my room, my mirror remains the word.

Bygonnes by guns, God's word is the gun
Shot daily at me so my life now is gone
In this mirror of truth, I don't see me or a lie
All I see is Christ, the glory of my story

*'s'pirit: spirit of man
*'S'pirit: God's spirit
*wooli: yoruba language meaning prophet

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