They call it the cab age but defiled with cabbage,
They call it the Jet age but know 'twill yet age,
No need for speed in life, not to drift from life paths;
Yet, won't let Satan's horn make me apply the brakes
As I dance without breaks, not talking break-dance

THE BOSS DRIVE - life's not a competition; follow your own destined path; life related series at
Spiritual breads of thoughts racing through my mind
To stop the grin of death in a jam from saying hello;
The traffic of grace caused my hold up from sin;
I am left to turn right into the book of life
To become the boss God's driving to his kingdom
Faster than the truck, my life's meant to rock,
Yeah, they do rival but I'm an unstopped driver;
Delayed by red lights, my patience not read lightly
I see dents from accidents; impatient cars causing scars,
After the yellow comes green like saying hello to the grin..