Life was created through the create-head; the work of the Godhead not through the word God heard but spoke and held.
Through the spoken word came a revolving world; The world looking formless, yet couldn't make the Word's form less.
Any player can choose to play her 'cos she is the ball; this terrestrial ball almost kicked by all is seen as a game 'till the scene's game over.
Creation has an origin from a power over all in gene, over the pest that's deepest; sin; over the unseen on sin and the seen in its scene
Creation's a loving expression not meant for an express shun. It's the Love that's not a poor trait; It is God's portrait. A story of a specially social people with a unique physique of the glory-image of the creator who did create all
We don't have multiple creators; we got just the one who chose to create us. A supreme God that created the earth, who alone can eradicate death.