Love of the father
Towards humanity;
The author of divinity
Housed in a virgin mother,
Gift of God from heaven,
God's word made flesh
Just to gracefully refesh
Souls withered by sin's leaven
Down to earth,
He descended as Jesus
To redeem us
From the grips of death,
He did it all for me,
Replaced my life of strife
With His perfect life
And gave all away just for me
The king of glory
Born in a manger,
Series of danger
Accompanied His story,
Self was the enemy
That rejected Jesus
Still, He bore my curse
And did it all for me
Had to shed his blood
To bring me into his fullness;
Making me God's righteousness
According to His word,
His life was poured out,
Completely given
To make me forgiven,
Giving sin a total knock out
I'm alive
'Coz He's risen;
He's the reason
For my new life,
Just the perfect price
That was needed,
And so I heeded
To accept this divine sacrifice
It's finished,
Jesus did it all
On this terrestrial ball,
Nothing better could be wished,
So great a salvation
Which only fools neglect;
It's just totally perfect
That death's no more my portion
Should have been a cast away,
A born slave
Journeying to the grave
On the common broad way,
But to make me born again
Was the reason he died;
To shield me from sin's tide
Was why He was slain
I'm a divine human
With a secured tomorrow;
No more sorrow,
I'm a brand new man,
No more Adamic nature;
The life diminished
Has been replenished;
I'm a new creature