

POSSIBILITY - get inspired series at kleezypen.com

Unfavourable limitations Of Impossible situations,
Unstoppable fears Engulfed in silent tears
Constrained to mope In lost hope;
Branded a lame 'Coz of Goliath's fame

pencil writing
POSSIBILITY - get inspired series at kleezypen.com

Forced to sign one's name With a pen of shame;
A state of despair That seems beyond repair
Applying all wisdom Just to seek freedom
But ending up facing the red sea While Pharaoh won't let you go free

The future that looked bright Has turned the present night,
The thought of giving up Always accompanying waking up
Starting afresh seems an impossibility, Oh! What a marred identity,
A Life betrayed trust, Loss of value beyond dust

This defeat in the mind Turns the soul blind;
Unable to see possibility In unique ability
Still trying to understand How footprints in life's sand
Seem covered, Despite all that had been suffered

Loss of confidence Defeating life's essence;
Afraid to try again Since trying seems vain
Nothing is impossible, The word itself says I'm possible,
Going the extra mile Shouldn't stop your smile

A unique tool that prevents us From failing our life course
From sliding down the slope Is the voice of hope
Despite life's strife, A life
Without hope Is one hanged to death's rope

Hope produces faith To believe it's never late;
Faith to make plain That unmoved mountain
It starts with a renewed mindset, Believing there's nothing to fret;
As long as 'Oluwa' is involved Possibility's gonna be evolved

Make your mind flexible To believe it's not impossible;
It may just not have happened yet, But it will when the right time's set
No matter how life seems, I've got no shattered dreams,
We decide to call it shattered 'Coz of what we've encountered

Life's what we call it, Exactly how we define it,
Faith could be your caption, Despair is also an option
Faith founds possibility, Despair authors impossibility,
While faith says refire, Despair says retire

Got the mindset of my creator Which is the mindset of a victor;
Gracing diligence With patience
With man, some things are impossible, With God, all things are possible,
Winners never quit, Is a quote to reckon with.

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