Sin was the cause of all the fighting and wars within my soul. From the realm of loss I tried to cross the realm of laws to the realm of open doors but the claws of my then boss, the devil, enforced me with a force so gross to remain under the curse of the laws which endorsed sin to reinforce my errors and engross me with a remorse which cuts across the marrows of my soul. With such guilt and condemnation, I couldn't be the leading horse; a bus without destination. I was an empty purse. I was hopeless because I was helpless till Jesus helped me come across the cross.

THE POWER OF THE CROSS - the power of the cross crossed out the power of sin;
On that old rugged cross, I saw love made plain beyond what the sane mind could explain. A lamb slain in pain without complaints, for our gain. His muscles strained as blood drained from His veins into a cleansing fountain speaking better things the blood of Cain's brother. A voice from the cross to break the chains which detained us, make plain the mountains that constrained us and cleanse the stains that refrained us from being lain in the terrain of the loving experience of God's rain and reign over and over again. Wow! His death on the cross was never in vain.
On that old rugged cross, humbled and razed to a critical state beyond the base by the craze of those He came to raise from the base. His breath blazed out the phrase, ''It is finished'', marking the beginning of a new phase. A phase of grace to run life's race offering ace praises to the Ancient of Days. Grace transforming our ways by setting every man ablaze. Grace to trace the pace of the ancient of days in the light of His rays from our natural place to His divine palace. It was finished on the cross when grace attended to our case to solve the maze of facing Jehovah face to face without a veil. In summary, our life story was graced with glory through the cross-story.