

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - brothers and sisters; Christ and His church; kleezypen.com

 Gentle men of fidelity Humble ladies of dignity
Divine celebrities What an opportunity
To be together in unity Celebrating the reality
Of Gods charity Which is His love of divinity
And fullness of His personality Existing amidst us in totality

Man and lady running and having fun
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - brothers and sisters; Christ and His church; kleezypen.com

Life's originator And great warrior
The world's creator And true conqueror
The wisest tutor And greatest mentor
Who died in our favour As the loving saviour
To grant us the sweet savour Of His divine flavour

He once set up a stage And on it, opened a page
For those created in His image From the world's earliest age
To manage His works as a sage But man engaged in death's voyage
A deadly marriage in sin's carriage Which caged man in its rage without gage
Man was without the ability to disengage From sin's deadly wage

Before man's destiny hanged on sin's pole Before death punctured his soul with a hole
Before sin washed his glory into death's bowl Man was a fiery coal too hot for sin to control
Too blessed for life to console 'Cos God made man whole as a living soul
Gave him a goal with a will to act his role But man neglected his goal
Only to condole after selling out his soul Till Jesus restored the life Satan stole

He made the man in the simplicity Of perfect humility
Making him: very caring
basically fantastic and fully powerful
He made the lady in the complexity Of various diversities
Making her: uniquely classic
preciously gorgeous and socially special

There's a veil Torn from head to tail
By the Jesus we hail No matter what it entails
Whether male or female Our destinies ain't for sale
Our dignity musn't go frail Our fidelity shouldn't end in the vale
Above storms, we must sail For our lot is not to fail

There's a lady called the bride To whom responsibility is tied
Making it impossible for her to hide From the rising tide
Of challenges that make some backslide She's the opposite of pride
And has got the groom by her side In whom she confides as the trusted guide
That makes her glide Through paths to which she must abide

She ain't just got the physique of a cuty But was created in unique beauty
And ascribed the classic duty Of bearing to the peak, the flag of purity
To justify her fantastic inner beauty She's for sure the picture
Of the beloved bride figure Portrayed in the scriptures
Whom the groom has to secure From present to an eternal future

The bridegroom Prepares his bride, a resting room
The man qualified to be the bride's groom Is one that can make her bloom
Blot out her doom And bear her gloom
Only one groom Qualifies for the Church
Christ the flaming torch Possessing the Spirit's gentle touch

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