


Love continues to abound
'Coz of this solid ground
That I have found
As in, my life's turned around

Been freed
From the fruits of sin and greed
As disobedience's seed
Has been destroyed indeed

When I was blind
Satan ruled my mind
And kept me behind
I'm glad Christ was more than kind

Satan enslaved my soul
Till Christ made me whole
Jesus is in control
As I play my role in line with His goal

Had no sense of direction
My will and emotion
Held me in detention
But His grace was my solution

Whenever I'm on the verge
Of losing my wedge
I remember my pledge
Through His revelational knowledge

I've stumbled
Even tumbled
Oh yeah, He allows me to be humbled
But never to be crumbled

I continue to grow
As I yield to His flow
And do know
He makes me glow

His spirituality
Overpowered my carnality
To show how divinity
Totally overwhelms humanity

When things go beyond my scope
When I've got no strength to cope
When trials try to make me mope
Then comes this divine hope

Hope to go on
As God's son
Hope to stand upon
The victory already won

Without asking me to pay
Jesus continues to pray
Without ceasing all day
For me not to be a prey

His prayer of grace
Directs my ways
In every life phase
That I face in life's race

Prayer that affects my choice
In a bid to make me rejoice
That's why I still hear His voice
Amidst the distracting noise

My life's got a new pose
A pose of purpose
Which Christ did propose
When He died and arose

Journeying through life not in a Lexus
But in Jesus
Emmanuel of course
The God with us

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